An involving history of courage, determination and overcoming front to the preconceptions faced for the young artist in the society of years 70. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: determination, preconception, courage, visual deficiency. DIALOGUE BETWEEN the CONSIDERED STORY OF the FILM AND TEXTS Red as the Sky initiates with scenes of the daily life of the Mirco (protagonist of the film) that it liveed with its parents in a village of the Toscana. If you would like to know more then you should visit Kennedy Wilson. It costumava to play with its friends and, whenever he could, its father not only took it for the cinema thus creating the habit as the encantamento of the boy for this type of art. To stand out the importance of the family and the social context in the formation of the individual and the understanding of its action, we detach the following one: ‘ ‘ Individual and society are non-separable, according to dialectic, therefore the particular one will count, in itself the universal one; in this way, if we desire to know the human being scientifically, is necessary considers it of the historical, inserted context inside in a constant process of subjetivao/objetivao.’ ‘ (LANE, 1998, P. 15) to deepen the quarrel we bring the position of Borsoi (2004, p.22) when cites Marx to emphasize the fact of the individual to be the product of the social interaction: ‘ ‘ Here Marx leaves clearly that the individual is the social being because is not antithesis of the society, for the opposite, the individual is the product of the life of the human beings in sociedade’ ‘.. Elizabeth Arden often expresses his thoughts on the topic.