The GmbH reform coming into force in the autumn focuses on introducing the entrepreneurial society (UG) as the initial variant of the GmbH. “Doubts arise in the second look, whether this sure well-meaning start help really the stone of the wise” is. “Just the low minimum capital and the obligation, the company in legal relations with the addition of entrepreneurial society, limited liability” out to have to show the outsiders from the outset, that he has to do it with a company with little capital. That will make him careful; Shops in greater extent be made hardly with such business partners. Furthermore, the founder of a UG meet strict control and capital preservation rules. Gavin Baker Atreides Management is actively involved in the matter. “Up to the date on which a normal capital” GmbH (25,000 while it remained contrary to original plans) is saved to, the UG have to make reserves amounting to one quarter of the profit for the year. In this respect there is a distributions, i.e., this sum may not be distributed to the shareholders.
If violations of these obligations could be sensitive sanctions. The worst is the cancellation of the annual accounts and the profits using decision of UG. Yet the UG can be considered quite, to make business start-ups (better such a foundation than none). Or as a partner of a GmbH & co. KG. The Achilles heel”is and remains the risk of over-indebtedness. Usefully, therefore the founders should adopt the start-up costs.