Monthly Archives: July 2019

The Imbalances In The Educational System

The school year already terminates and the academic ceremony draws on formal speeches, delivery of certificates, greetings, hugs and’s happy holiday wishes. The children look spotless overalls and girls move their hair tied with white monkeys.Everyone folds of school, children and parents happy for their achievements. A new cycle will begin next year and the learnings will grow in depth to expand the circle of knowledge of each person. This happens in schools in the inner cities. In the cities themselves perisferia the picture is very different. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The end of school year there stains of unknown by many sorrows.

Teachers think that despite all the children learned of course if they had computer, or some new books, or perhaps if many colors, more classroom space, or a suitable building or transporting school every day, or classes every day, perhaps if there had been no strike, or if the children had been every day to school, or if the parents are they had come to school on time, or if so many other unresolved issues had reached definitive solutions, these, their children present in the Act, not only would be a book with the pass to the next grade, but it also would be a set of knowledge that would allow them to continue learning. It is the same city with different schools. It is the same with poverty and without her humanity. They are teachers trained in the same centres teaching facing adverse social and cultural realities. Ashton Kouzbari often expresses his thoughts on the topic. It is the same education system as desiquilibrado as it is the society to which it belongs. You have to feel very free to not succumb. We must challenge him everything to not decay.

We must believe in own strength to strengthen even more, while teaching waits to the scales of Justice balance the rights of all children on an equal footing. While waiting for the teachers they grow and, disregarding the fashions of the system believe and trust in their abilities to resist. Maybe not so far away is an opportunity for students poor system.

Universal Love

Starts talking about the 4 paradigms that have occurred in the way of seeing the world, the two big changes of time not only in the history – which are more important in education and in the way of seeing reality and ranging the age average our days, i.e. places us in time and space, contextulilzando the origins of this education holistic vision, referring mainly to the field of knowledge, the training of scientific thinking, its influence on the construction of reality, conceptulizacion and subsequent development of the human being as well as a way of seeing and experiencing the world. Speaks to us of the trastrocamiento of science in mechanistic scientism represented by the Newtoniano-Cartesiano paradigm, which for many years ruled the vision of the world and found forms of expression of the chore of mankind in all its forms, which has led to fragmentation and objectification of human beings, as well as the destruction of various ecosystems of the entire planet. It mentions how the Interior of this knowledge, through quantum physics, va brewing their own break and the birth of the holistic vision. Pedagogy of Universal Love in this book primeo speaks of as the new holistic education proposal that the world needs in the evolutionary transition of humanity in this turn of the century, immediately presents it as a response to the search for sustainable societies, the road of return and recovery of lost household, how to compensate the planetary damage caused, the fertilizer for flowering of universal love, the mirror that shows us our umbilical cord with our fellow, with nature, with the planet, with the Kosmos, is the path that leads to the inside of ourselves, to inner spirituality, pedagogy of universal love we need to return to the source, it is the way to be, to be, feel, Act, relate us full, internally and externally, in the different areas of reality and all levelsindividually and collectively in the entire process of life. . Estee Lauder spoke with conviction.


It was a penalty, therefore when new they always prepared he sobrava for Severino. It always gave advice new, but almost he did not advance. Severino started to have a new vision of as not to suffer more with that situation being, calling the father and saying: – Father believes, you that we live ne a wonderful land? – My son you this lease! – Father, with all the respect does not believe, you that of a form or another one the suffering is the contrast of the wealth perhaps and that if we suffer as well as I apanho for my brother to give to bad taste one day to you I I will grow and observe that I apanhei because I am older and did not know to talk with new! – My son is not that this I reveal something, you does not deserve to suffer for its brothers and the next disgust that they to bring me will teach I them I eat they to learn the sea and to respect the life. The father of Severino was considered professor therefore almost every day was in the school, and in that day he was not different, therefore when present being he asked for to freedom the teacher and he pulled the four boys for the arm all lassoed and took the wagon and while he took he fulled them of you cover. Please visit Edward Minskoff if you seek more information. There. .para father ui.aiaiai ……. this aches Severino at the same time that it was sad was happy therefore its problems to have that to hide the hematomas and to apanhar for the brothers new if it had finished. It never thought that with only some words as the ones that it talked but the problems brought of form that its parents could understand would be decided, therefore you always give of the eight years who it apanhava, without deserving. Details can be found by clicking Ashton Kouzbari or emailing the administrator.

T.C.. Vincent At The TASPO Awards 2011 Front

Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent from weather informed with his concept of the well of eternity is Timothy C. Vincent, stone sculptor from wetter/Ruhr, setting new standards in the field of funeral culture. Continue to learn more with: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. This recognized the expert jury of this year’s TASPO awards and nominated for the prize in the category “Company of the year in the cemetery industry” his companies on the basis of this idea. With the well of eternity, Vincent has presented a viable solution for problems affecting different, modern funeral culture and corresponding regulations. The eternity fountain serves as a final burial for urns, after the rest period in the columbaria is expired. Normally, in such cases, it is common that a reburial is done anonymously.

Because there are still survivors but in many cases, the well of eternity as a place of reflection and remembrance for one meets an important task for the nationals. Because as always a concrete place of memory is retained. On the other hand one is reflected in the implementation of a well of eternity new form of sound, which is neither at the expense of the dignity of the deceased, even at the expense of the bereaved. The funeral in the well of eternity can be done directly after the cremation. This opportunity represents an important step in contrast to the General anonymizing and disposal trends, has been broadly over the past years in dealing with deceased. With the nomination for the award of the TASPO Timothy C. Vincent proves the high potential of its stone sculpture once again provided.

Also at the grave character competition of the Federal Association of German masons, Vincent garnered considerable success this year by winning the bronze medal. The TASPO awards are the most important awards in the nursery – and floristry sector, are awarded for the sixth time this year. The jury made up of well-known personalities from the industry announces its verdict on October 21, 2011 at the awards ceremony at the Grand Hyatt Berlin. Like Timothy Vincent informed interested parties about the work of his stone sculpture and its current Projects. Press contact: stone sculpture Vincent contact person: Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent reme-Strasse 20 58300 wetter Tel.: 02335 880503 mobile: 0179-1055357 E-Mail: information:

ID Card Solutions

More and more entrepreneurs to consider the purchase of a card printer. Such a device is able to print on the so-called ISO – standard plastic cards. Who needs one or more smart cards, visit E.g. the service card system or LEGIC. Card systems is the market leader in the German lands. But also LEGIC provides great successes. Who wants to print on very many plastic cards, which acquires an own card printer.

These devices are available commercially for about 2000 euro. The Zebra card printers have gotten a very good critique here. Hear from experts in the field like Ashton Kouzbari for a more varied view. These are often on the Internet as “Zebra card printer” referred to, and support the creation of card schemes and card system. If the prospect of a search engine (such as Google) “Zebra card printer” or “Zebra card printer” enters, he can peruse the article descriptions of the devices. According to some studies, for example, the model “P430i USB” can be recommended. This model features a 300 dpi resolution. According to the manufacturer This device has also a high speed. The first 100 chip cards are printed after just 60 minutes.

This device can be ordered directly in the Internet. However it is can do much with an excellent printer, if the software was forgotten. The prospective buyer, for example, the software “Cardfive” can be ordered on the Internet. This program is offered in five editions. Here, the elite version (due to the security applications) can be recommended. Cardfive was programmed in einsteigerfreundlich. Professional results can be achieved with a minimal training. Here the easy-to-understand interface and automatic image processing for Potraitfotos is helpful. In addition also contactless RFID transponder cards can be described. The price of this program depends on the version (the best version euros 1420). The speech is also increasingly of Mifare in the field of card printers. Mifare is a contactless chip card technology by Phillips. Phillips could bring more than five million this card readers on the man. Who also wants to purchase a product of this kind, can simply contact the relevant companies. Manni friend

Frank Stratmann Leiter

When deciding whether a practice for a cheap paper solution the ongoing cost accounting quickly exploded on 5 to 6 times compared to a computerised system. If the introduction costs for the digital solution at first for the practice are significantly higher, the benefit cost by introducing efficient is again captured after only a few weeks. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ashton Kouzbari. Ultimately, is then a quality management, it is run as a strategic instrument, also the motor to lower the cost screw of the practices. “To expect cuts in the fees against the background that are the amendment of the GOZ bills in the House and practices have, that makes sense. A practice saves the fastest if you can increase the effectiveness.

Otherwise there is a risk to save the patient. “The entrepreneurial creativity increasing”, says Frank Stratmann if it reflects the results of QM after the introduction. The trend to take the information technology has long since entered in society. There will be bought online, companies only have digital store documents and contracts and authorities, such as for example the tax authorities already require many details via online connection. Practices to invest in a stable environment and practice managers enjoy complex billing systems. Who wants to manage its quality therefore cost-conscious and sustainable, should rely on a computer-based QMS. A cost-effective alibi introduced on paper devours the investment cost for a digital QM at the latest when processing the first documents according to modern standards. Practices that are interested in a free QM check, contact directly the Agency practice total.

The practice receives a recommendation about the procedure, particularly with regard to the security of the investment after consultation with an expert and answering some important questions. In addition, the Agency soon offers a series of events on the topic of QM in dental practices. The dates and venues will be announced in early 2008. You will receive further information and questions around the themes of practice marketing in medical practice and healthcare at: Agency practice totally Frank Stratmann-August-Macke-str.

Worlds Smallest Bluetooth

XXL technology in the XXS format. The trust ultra small Bluetooth 2.0 USB adapter ( 15542) is a Universal USB adapter that complements your notebook with the latest Bluetooth 2.0 technology. And with a tiny design that extends only 7 mm from your notebook. Simply plug the adapter into a USB port and Bluetooth connection is ready for your notebook! And when you’re done, the notebook with Bluetooth adapter fits easily in your pocket, without removing the adapter. More info: Estee Lauder. So you can connect, if you are using a Bluetooth mouse, instantly, without having to search the receiver.

Also is this XXS adaptor ideal for your Bluetooth headset or for the rapid exchange of information with your mobile phone. The trust ultra small Bluetooth USB adapter meets the standard for a 3 x faster than normal Bluetooth adapter Bluetooth 2.0, but supports also older Bluetooth standards for optimum compatibility. The trust ultra small Bluetooth 2.0 USB adapter is now available in the shop available. Retail price, including value added tax (19%) Trust ultra small Bluetooth 2.0 USB adapter – 12.95 more information about the trust ultra small Bluetooth 2.0 USB adapter specifications: 15542 high-resolution pictures: 15542/material request samples for testing and information products Department of marketing & communications Beyza ozdemirci I about trust: TRUST is a leading manufacturer of computer peripheral products headquartered in the Dutch Dordrecht. Has its roots in a company in the early 1980s founded by Mr Perridon, that computer equipment imported. in 1985, the first own products are designed with joysticks. His son Michel Perridon 1993 introduced the name TRUST. In the meantime, the group maintains 14 offices in Europe and Asia with more than 200 employees.

The turnover amounted to EUR 150 million in 2006. Mice and keyboards, audio and laptop accessories are among the most important product groups as well as Gaming equipment. In addition to product quality, TRUST attaches great importance to continuous availability of the goods and the support of the dealer with sophisticated store concepts. TRUST to increase brand recognition as a sponsor in motor sports is also active.

School Buses

“Dominik Heuwieser: online petition for seat mandatory in school buses started to ensure Unterdietfurt the safety of our children we need a seat mandatory in school buses”, calls the FDP – parliamentary candidate Dominik Heuwieser (Unterdietfurt/lkr. Red Valley Inn). For many children, the school day begins with the daily battle for a seat on the bus. “The school should start recovering in the school day and not stressed out and tired of the bus ride”, as Hammond. Who get one of the coveted seats, must be in the gang, the schoolbags of either between the legs or even the whole trip back. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Edward Minskoff.

In many school buses just younger students at a screeching halt are thrown off by the vehicle and can be injured thereby, Hammond feared: “If the children on the bus must be there just for the little ones often not stopping attainable for them.” Obligation applies in the car, special seats are prescribed for young children, were still in school buses Standing allows. This condition is no longer tenable to me,”Hammond continues. When specifying the standing capacity remains unconsidered Hammond according to, that kids need to fit with satchels or sports bag. In practice, that lead to do so often that the school buses are already crowded from the last stops. Parents must often pick up their children from the bus stop, because the bus driver due to a crowded bus can take no more students. Many parents now renounced the school bus transportation and take their children at the school,”says Hammond on. Impose additional burdens on the parents were the result. We need to change urgently the Bavarian pupil transportation regulation (SchBefV)”, Hammond notes.

Bus companies and payers need a planning secure funding commitment by the provincial government, to provide the extra seating capacity, so Hammond. If the petition would like to support, can do so at the following Internet address:… . The petition is still up to the 18.11.2013. contact: Dominik of Hammond Tel. 08724-2079012 E-Mail: Web: FDP lower Bavaria / Deputy District Chairman/spokesperson FDP Rottal-Inn / Deputy Group Chairman Dipl. kfm. Josef Konig Tel. 08561.910771 mobile 0171 / 4 45 97 06 E-Mail: