Monthly Archives: October 2014

Online Flower Therapy

Thus began the blockade. Used wisdom, flower essences have the characteristic of motion of a trip to another, as from low to high on the strings of a guitar, leading us to the most vibrant and luminous do, the re, of me, but skip fa the do, the fa re or because without them there would be complete guitar. For example, an essence of hate will lead us to love as these two emotions that belong to the same vibration (a one string of the guitar) with opposite polarity: low / high bass / treble, hate / love. Following the same scheme, and knowing “guitar”, we will make another string we move from fear to courage, and other produce their corresponding displacements. Hate, love, fear, courage, are just some of the “primary colors” of the emotional vibrations from which all other combinations are born and emotional tones.

It is not the same feel angry about so afraid to be afraid of so much anger. Each key will be generating their own emotional magnetism, reflected this in keywords in your speech, bulking and attracting everything in resonance with it: the hatred attract more hatred, fear exaggerated the ideas of fear, love everything related to attract the energies of love. Learning the language of emotions puts us in a style of “conversation” that surpasses all others. In a very simple and effective, (characteristic of nature) the proper use of flower essences help to talk to anyone inside to play herself in their vibrations, personal visions that accompany daily, thereby savoring multiple benefits: in their spiritual journey, in his studio, at work, in their relational life and will do so regardless of the method or way you choose to advance spiritually, whatever you choose to study, serve as point their work or how you choose to draw their social life. This miracle communication is established because they impose an indoor climate permits, bring the essence of Bach benefactor and good energy energy is so necessary to the emotional body as good food is the physical body.

When working with essences, and I stress the word “work” – and never take them to wage their power — random, they are striking power of the mind and regulating the body’s defense system. That’s why I recommend and emphasize the importance of learning to make the most of, not merely to confuse them with natural remedies but remember that they manipulated energy is concentrated willing to generate benefits of unimaginable significance from a weak tidal energy. Having this knowledge alive in memory, it is understood the fundamental importance of learning to maneuver these intelligences to not stop half-way to all the favors they can bestow.


Just published in Editorial Visor, Madrid, this anthology of the poetry of Ruben Bonifaz Nuno: Light regresaSeleccion and Sandro CohenEnseguida prologue provides the foreword introducing readers to the cabalakabala Spanish poetry of israel – center one zohar of the largest Spanish-language poets of all time. The poetic universe of Ruben Bonifaz Nuno poetry of Ruben Bonifaz Nuno ‘fertile, intense, disturbing’ does not fit easily within the parameters of poetry Mexican, Latin American, or Spanish language. It has a richness of form and content of whose existence few suspects until they come to read it kabbalah bracelet carefully. There spiritual center are different attitudes to tree kabbalah the sacred texts. Some religions seek the written texts that are disseminated widely and freely, while others argue that remain hidden from all red kabbalah but the kaballah faithful and for the initiated.
Most religions promulgate jewish mysticism policies defining the limits of the sacred texts, controlling or forbidding changes and additions. Some religions view their sacred texts as the Word of God, often kabbalah red string arguing meditation center that the texts are inspired by God centre center and as such are red string bracelet not suitable for modifications.
Translations of texts may receive an official blessing, but often the kabbala original sacred language is de facto the highest degree of importance or absolute basis. Some religions provide the texts for free or at subsidized, study center others require payment and the strict observance of copyright.
Examples of scripts that take advantage of standardization: the Guru Granth red string Sahib (of Sikhism) always the kabbalah appears with a page jewish kabbalah numbering standard, while other religions (such as Abraham and mysticism its derivatives) is to mark the text by chapters and verses.

Educational Professors

Professors of biology, geography and sciences, obviously without generalization, costumam to work the Ambient Education when they focus the ambient environment and asquestes. As, for example, of the problematic one of the garbage, the desperdcioenergtico and the ambient degradation. Thus, ‘ ‘ she is necessary to intervine in qualification processes that allow aoprofessor to base its work in solid concepts, so that the actions nofiquem isolated and/or distant of the principles of the Ambiental’ Education; ‘.

(Weid.1997, P. 84) It fits, to the professionals of the education to breach with the simplista way to teach Ambient Educao. Transforming practical the pedagogical ones, pautando practical pelacriatividade in educative as for the Ambient Education. Vistoque, ‘ ‘ It does not exist ambient Education if not to accomplish themselves in the practical one, in the life, from the necessities sentidas.’ ‘ (Pelicione and Plhilippi Jr 2005. P. 96) Osprofessores must develop one practical metodolgica sufficiently dynamic, continuous and not broken up when teaching the Ambient Education. Thus, ‘ ‘ odesenvolvimento of instruments and methodologies, aiming at to the incorporation ambient dadimenso, of form to interdisciplinar, in the different levels emodalidades of ensino’ ‘.

(law 9,795/99) It is distinguished, that, the Ambientaldeve Education to be constant in the schools, through action development, that, envolvamtodas you discipline them pertaining to school. mainly, through propostasinterdisplinares. ‘ ‘ Therefore, ‘ to ‘ ‘ cruzar’ ‘ , subjects, to read reality one second outro’ ‘ agrupamento’ ‘ – to interdisciplinar – theoretician and to intend to elaborate to reflexocurricular related with the Ambiental’ Education; ‘. (Cascino. 1999.p.71) Considers that the Ambientalseja Education process of a dynamic, permanent and participativo formation, in which aspessoas involved starts to be transforming agents, participandoativamente of the search of alternatives for the reduction of ambient impacts epara the social control of the use of the natural resources. (Marcatto. 2002. p.03) Thus, ‘ ‘ the ambient education comes to show that the human being is capable to generate mudanassignificativas when treading ways that socially take to a world more justoe ecologically more sustentvel’ ‘.