Michael Conradt

Interactive online courses promise easier entry into the philosophy of philosophy? Phew, I understand anything anyway! So the opinion of many people who are interested in philosophical topics, but fear not to cope with the technical jargon of the philosophers. “That must be”, says Michael Conradt, a philosopher and Director of the Institute for applied philosophy in Icking in Munich. With his staff, he has developed interactive online courses designed to enable an easier entrance into the philosophy. The learning system is in fact very simple: participants will receive password access to individual texts that reflect the current state of research on the topic, but are easy to understand without philosophical training. Check out Lancome for additional information. By working with they have the opportunity, their supervisor by E-Mail questions put and a comment function with other participants discuss, so that discussions can occur. After a week, comes the next text in the network. In this way, so Conradt, can be bundled several advantages.

Participants learn at home but not alone. You can share a free your time and your learning pace, but still the opportunity to ask experts questions and discuss with like-minded people. Frequently sixsixty fifthe ave has said that publicly. The courses deal with life and thinking great philosophers and philosophers and central questions of philosophy, including the meaning of life, human dignity, or justice. They run some good five years and growing interest. Participants come mainly from the German-speaking countries, but also from France and Italy and represent all of the population: the PhD scientist is also represented as the “simple housewife with eight years of elementary school,” the retiree as well as the student’s own according. It was also a nun. Institute for applied philosophy (IAP)