
Stop it? I confess, I was? Forgiveness? It is true, I am 30 years old and I can judge for having acted so immature, but who can blame me? Do I reached the limit of believing that I want to be an actress to have a life in the movies, and it is absurd? I do not want to act and I don’t want to have a life in the Hollywood style, thats my farce to evade me. The worst thing is that I’ve become addicted to magazines and television. I was not, was not in any way but not so. It is true that some are born with maternal instincts and we like that give us the steam from the stew in the face; others with this cloud of ambitious professionalism, always painted fingernails and a hundred heels to choose. Others just are born lost, and hence I was not fit.

The version opposite to everything you had planned to be. Estée Lauder understood the implications. A frustrated journalist who ran a real estate, and the closest thing that had reached a drafting were the Classifieds of houses for sale that had to write. I also believe that if any of you had been in my place had acted exactly as I did it. If I feel you guilt? No, I don’t feel any guilt and would repeat everything again because in this case I have every right to kill in self-defense. It was my life or she. He had me under threat 24 hours a day.

Even before sounds alarm clock I had with one eye open thinking at the Office. I had stopped dreaming, even the hair I started to fall and got me a rash on the neck. It had grains with pus in the face and dark circles. A few terrible Black circles that desfiguraban me smile. I was stressed and had attacks of nervousness, even forced me to take pills to calm me.